Booster Pak is a volunteer driven organization. We have no paid staff.
Each week, 100 student, parent and community volunteers are needed to ensure every student in the West Des Moines Community School District has their basic needs met.
We need you.
We hope one of the positions below fits your skill set and available time.
Take a look. If you find something you’re interested, click here to contact us. We’d love to have you join our team.
Program Coordinators – Work with parent volunteers and school administrators on the operations of the program. This volunteer may handle communication, scheduling, distribution and delivery of product, reporting, and evaluation. Approximately 2-4 hours per week.
Product Drive Coordinator – Work with businesses and faith-based organizations to organize, promote and successfully collect products needed by the program. The goal would be to hold one product drive per month to collect various items. Organize volunteers to help pick up, sort, store and distribute products received. Approximately 20 hours per month.
Food Bank of Iowa Drivers – Need adult drivers with a van, SUV or pickup truck to go to the Food Bank of Iowa (2220 E. 17th Street, Des Moines) 1-2 times per month during the school year to pick up orders and deliver them to the West Des Moines Community Schools Learning Resource Center (3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines), Valley High School and Walnut Creek Campus. Approximately 2 hours per trip. Pick up times could be coordinated with volunteer’s availability but would need to be scheduled with the Food Bank of Iowa.
School Drivers – Need adult drivers with a van, SUV or pickup truck to participate in school deliveries. The driver would come to the West Des Moines Community Schools Learning Resource Center (3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines), pick up boxes of packs and take them to the school. These deliveries take place on Thursdays at 11 AM, but there are some Mondays. Drivers can volunteer weekly, monthly or serve as a backup. Approximately 1 hour each week. Drivers must have a valid drivers license and be able to lift 25 lbs several times in a row, bend and push.
Fresh Fruit – This is an excellent opportunity for small groups, community organizations and businesses that want to participate with Booster Pak on a regular basis. Once a month, your group or organization would pick a school(s) and purchase and place one or more pieces of fresh fruit in our student’s pak. The number of paks vary by school but range from 25-150.